Vince with Donkey at Luke's graduation party.
He is smiling a lot more lately.
It's been a while since our last post and we have had many appointments and trips since then, so I'll try to do my best with the updates to get everyone up to speed.
Two weeks ago, we had a total of six appointments in four days - two sessions of physical therapy, two meetings with the Early On program, a pediatrician and a urologist appointment. At the pediatrician, Vince got his 2 month shots which he was not a very big fan of. We only got 2 of the 4 shots that time, so he is not going to be happy when we go back soon to get the other ones. The urologist said that Vince's bladder and kidneys looked really healthy, but from the VCUG test that he got the week before it looked like he wasn't emptying his bladder completely. Since that could lead to kidney problems in the future, he decided that we should cath Vince with every diaper change for a week to give him more data. So we have been cathing him a few times a day and recording how much liquid was in his bladder and we will have a follow up with the urologist in the next couple of weeks to go over those numbers and see what he recommends.
That weekend we drove 4 hours (it now takes about 5 hours with a 2.5 month old) up to Rogers City for Nick's family reunion and his cousin Luke's graduation party. Both parties were on Saturday, so Vince had a busy day meeting all of his relatives but he did very good and I'm sure he had a fun time.
Last week was a bit slower for us which was nice. We had an ultrasound on Vince's head to look at his ventricles and see if his shunt was working correctly. We will go back on Wednesday to meet with the neurosurgeon for the results of that. Friday we took a drive up to Grand Rapids so Vince could watch Uncle David play in a baseball tournament and then Uncle Chris met up with us after that for dinner.
The next couple of weeks shouldn't be as busy so hopefully the weather gets to be nicer and we can get out and enjoy the summer.
Nick, Andrea and Vince