Crazy hair after his bath
Enjoying his bumbo
So exhausted during his first night in a hotel
Well it has been a little while since we last posted. Vince has been very good, we have not had a lot of appointments lately which is nice after this summer. Nick and I decided to count and see how many appointments we had including physical therapy in Vince's first 4 month of life and we came up with 72. We were pretty surprised it was that many. Nick started his new job and is enjoying it. He is very busy getting everything set up how he needs it and visiting customers. He is working for a foam company again. I have also gone back to work. The first week with students went really well. This year I have all Econ classes which does make it a little easier for me because last year that is what I taught, so I have some experience with it. Vince is going to a lady's house each day where he is the only little one there. She was recommended by my principal and has been great so far. I think Vince is really going to enjoy it there. Other than learning how to balance work and be parents at the same time we think everything is going great. We hope you are all enjoying what is left of summer. Also, congratulations to Ben and Lindsay Chargot, your wedding was beautiful!
Nick, Andrea, and Vince