Santa Came!

Vince really liked the piano at my parents house

He also likes chocolate!

He is our little Elf

His first laptop

Merry Christmas everyone! We had such a wonderful time, we hope that you all did too. Vince still does not fully get Christmas, but he had a great time tearing paper! We went to my parents house last weekend (Andrea's), spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning at home, and went to Uncle Chris's house Christmas afternoon. Vince enjoyed all of it! Being that Vince is still the only grandchild on both sides and an only child he was very spoiled. He got a lot of great toys and clothes. Vince still amazes us, he is walking around, with our help, like crazy. He loves to walk! We will post a video of him soon doing it again as he has gotten better at it. Last week at the doctor he weighed in at 22 pounds, so he is growing a lot too. Merry Christmas again!
Nick, Andrea, and Vince