Friday, April 24, 2009

New C-section date

Like I mentioned in the last post things change at a very fast pace around here. It turns out that out little guy's Neurosurgeon is going to be out of town when he was initially going to be born so they have rescheduled us for May 4th, that way the Neurosurgeon will be in town when he arrives and then if all is good he will have his surgery the next day (the 5th). Although I am ready for him to be born, I know that it is best for him to say in there longer and develop even further. So who knows if this date will stick, but if it changes again, we will let you know.


  1. God Bless Andrea and Nick,
    We wish for the best and hope that all will go well. Am so glad you have this blog to keep us posted on things.
    Love and prayers,
    Susan and Andy

  2. Good luck Andrea - we will be thinking of you all as the little guy makes his way into this world! Love, Aunt LIndy

  3. Not sure why my previous comment went on as "mom" - sorry about that. Computer gremlins? Aunt Lindy
