Well, we made it though last week and all of Vince's appointments. He started physical therapy last week in Lansing and we have to go twice a week for a while. The therapist said that he has full range of motion but his muscle tone is a little weak for his age, so we have some exercises to do with him at home to get those muscles built up. We are starting to see small improvements, so that is good and we will go back on Thursday and Friday this week to work with the therapist.
Yesterday we went to his first SB clinic in Lansing. That is where SB patients go to the office and six different doctors go from room to room and check them out. We met with a neurologist, pediatrician, urologist, dietician, physical therapist and the nurse so it is a long day (4 hours) of sitting in a little room talking with doctors. At the end of the session, the doctors all get together and discuss the patients and write up reports of their findings. They are going to mail out the report to us, so we don't know yet exactly what they thought, but we don't think they found anything new. He will probably have to go back every 3 -4 months to the clinic for checkups. We will have a follow-up appointment with the urologist soon for an ultrasound on his kidneys and a test to determine his level of bladder function. They want to see where he is at now and then monitor him ever few months to see how those areas are functioning. Vince did really good, he was awake and alert for most of the morning.
He has been sleeping very good at night lately which means we have been sleeping a lot more at night as well. Hopefully I didn't just jinx it. The last few nights he's slept for 4-5 hours at a time, wakes up to eat, and goes right back to sleep. And then last night, he went down at 11pm and didn't wake up until 7:30 this morning!
Today we're going to a pool party at Uncle Paul and Aunt Kathy's house to hang out with a bunch of cousins. Should be a good time.
Nick, Andrea, and Vince.