These pants fit me now
First day of daycare
Vince will be 5 months old already on Sunday. September has really flown by for us and we can't belive it is over already. It was quite a busy month for all of us and I don't see it slowing down too much soon. Andrea is doing well and getting adjusted to all her new students at school. Vince is enjoying day care and is back to two days a week at physical therapy and continues to improve on his head and neck strength - all that tummy time is paying off. We are now working on sitting up and rolling over. I've been busy traveling and getting acclimated with my new job and working on my last two classes for my MBA. Luckily, the only doctor's appointment we've had this month was for Vince's 4 month check up and shots. He weighed in at 14lbs, 4oz and was 24in long but was not a big fan of the shots.
Tomorrow we plan on going to watch the Michigan - Michigan State game with Andy, Amy and Emme. Hopefully I can teach Vince how to say "Go Blue" by then.
Nick, Andrea and Vince
I'm so happy to hear that vince is doing so well!!! Only the parents of babies with SB would be happy to hear that he didn't like his shots! :) Have fun at the game! GO BLUE!! :)