I know these pics are a little late since Vince will be 10 months in a couple days but here they are. We also took Vince out in the snow for the first time last weekend and he wasn't too sure about it.
It has been a busy month for us. Vince has been recovering well from his shunt surgery. He had an MRI on Thursday and an appointment with the neurosurgeon on Friday and the doctor said that the shunt looks like it is working properly so that was good to hear. We will have another follow up in about 6 weeks.
Vince is getting stronger in his arms and legs. He loves to jump up and down with his legs while we hold him up. And he is getting better at holding himself up on his hands and knees for longer periods of time and will even rock back and forth now. Hopefully that means that he will be crawling soon.
All three of us have been sick the past couple of weeks. Vince had ear infections in both ears and both of us had bad sinus infections. I think that we are all finally feeling better now, though.
More big news from this month - we bought a house. We are having a house built here in Charlotte. They broke ground two weeks ago and have the basement walls up and are moving right along. So we have another thing to keep us busy for the next couple of months with picking out what we want to have in it. It should be done by the end of June, so it will be nice to finally move out of the apartment and have some more space for all of Vince's things.
Nick, Andrea and Vince
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