Papa and Vince "driving" a tractor

Vince loves to drive, he helps mow the lawn and would love to do it everyday if he could

The day after his seizure. He was having fun taking things out of his diaper bag and eating cheese chips off of the floor. :)

I forgot to put up pictures from when we met the Gibbs family. Here is a picture of Greyson and Vince. You can see how excited they were to meet each other. :)
Tuesday we had an EEG to check Vince's brain activity and it did show that his left frontal lobe has some abnormal activity. This is a good thing and a bad thing. It is good because we know that his seizure was not cause by anything new. A little history on Vince: three weeks after he was born he had a shunt put in and after surgery he had bleeding in his brain which led to a seizure then. After that seizure we were put on phenobarbital but he has been off of that for over a year now. The blood has gone away in his brain, but there are still stains from it and my understanding is that the stains will be there for a very long time if not forever. The stain somehow was activated again and caused the seizure. Kids brains grow a lot in the first three years of life and that is probably what happened with Vince (a growth spurt). The bad is that he now has to be on seizure medicine for at least two years. If he is seizure free in that time then we will be able to think about it. The doctor is hopeful that he will out grow this and we wont have to deal with it in the future. Other than that Vince is doing great, he is cruising furniture and talking a lot!
Nick, Andrea, and Vince
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