Vince really loves John Deer (thanks Grandma and Aunt Mary)

I will put more pictures of Vince in his costume later, but our computer is running slow tonight
It is way past Halloween, but I will post Vince in his costume anyways. He was a very cute tiger for Halloween this year and he got to go trick or treating for the first time. He was very unsure of going up to peoples houses to get candy, but he really liked the candy when we got home. We also had a Urology appointment on Halloween. We all went to that being you never know what kind of news you are going to get there and it was all pretty good. His kidneys are still looking pretty good on the ultrasound, it does not look like he has any reflux right now. Vince did have a UTI this summer with a fever and the doctor was quite unhappy about that so he would like Vince to have a uro-dynamics and x-ray in March. I know at some point we will most likely be told that it is time to cath, but until that time comes we are going to enjoy not having too. Vince has been doing great walking lately, we are getting really close to independent walking I think. At therapy on Friday Vince did some amazing stuff. Kelly (his amazing therapist) has been able to get Vince to do things no one else ever has. He took (her arms were around him, but not touching him) about 15 steps by himself before he fell over! He also walked in between us and took in between 5-7 steps by himself. Other than that we have been busy as usual. We are really looking forward to having a four day weekend coming up! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I just wanted to restate how thankful we are to have all of you in our lives and the support you have shown us.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Nick, Andrea, and Vince
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