This year Vince's birthday fell on a Sunday, so we were able to have the grandparents and uncles down for a small party on Saturday and then spend some time together on Sunday too. It was very nice. The boys had a lot of fun getting a lot of attention from everyone. This year we did request that a few things be wrapped up for Dominic too, because he is going through a "me too" phase. If Vince has it he wants it, and sometimes he even just takes it. Oh to be 1. :) Speaking of Dominic, he loves his big brother. In the morning if Vince is not up yet, he has to go and wake him up. He runs into his room yelling "morning", and then he usually jumps on his bed. So much brotherly love. Vince is not usually as excited about it, but who can blame him. They are starting to play more side by side lately which is fun to watch as well. It is so hard to believe that Vince is 5. It still feels like yesterday he was born! He has turned into such a great little boy. He is so loving and kind and he is really becoming social, which if you knew him in the past, that is a complete change. He waves to everyone at the store and now that he is 5, he likes to tell them. Preschool has been a huge benefit to him! I hope the next 5 years don't go so fast, but some how I know they will :).

These were Vince's brownies for his school party
Nick and I might have played with the balloons a little before we decorated
Vince picked our his cake all by himself
The boys with Amy, she watches them while we work, they love her so much!
We blew out the candles a few time
It was really good cake
Present time
Eric wears suspenders, so Vince wanted some, and that is what they got him. He has worn them every day since.
The theme of this years presents was guitars
Vince got a ukulele, he has one at Amy and Eric's house and really enjoys it
Vince also got Nick's old guitar from when he was little!
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