We decided when we had kids that we would always try to be in our own house for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and so far we have been. In past years we have had people at our house, but this year it was just us. It has worked our really well and I am very happy that we have stuck with it. Growing up, being in my own house was always my favorite. It was great to see other family, but there is something magical about Santa coming to your house. This year we did early church on Christmas Eve so we had a very early dinner. This year I had chicken pasta and the boys had steak and crab legs. Crab was a first for us, Vince loved it and Dominic did not. We did let the boys exchange presents to each other early in the day, because we knew that they were getting some pretty cool stuff and we wanted to break it up a little. After church we came home and we opened the rest of the presents to each other. The boys were pretty excited about everything they got and I think Nick and I did pretty well ourselves.

Cookie time
Vince got Dominic a Storm Trooper because he likes them best. He took a nap with him that day. Dominic got Vince a race track.
Dinner time
We never know who will be the silly one come picture time. They are not consistent with it and seem to take turns being silly.
He is looking so big.
Blaze! Dominic is obsessed with Blaze and the Monster Machines right now.
Vince got a tablet! He was super excited because it was a surprise!
Cookies for Santa
The aftermath of present time
PJ time
Letter to and from Santa
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