Sunday, January 20, 2019

Christmas Things

Every year Christmas gets more and more exciting!  The boys want to do all things Christmas, so we try to fit in as much as we can.  This year we decorated a little early because we had to get the tree out of storage, so I got it on my way home from school and we put it up.  The twins were good helpers this year. :)  We are still in the phase of life that we don't put up glass ornaments, but they found a couple glass bulbs in one of the boxes and were throwing them like balls.  We figured out they were real glass when we heard them shatter in one of the boxes they were being thrown into.  Luckily no one got hurt.  We got a Lego countdown box, make some ornament, made a gingerbread house, saw Santa a few times, and watched a lot of Christmas movies.  It was a good holiday season and I am sure they will only get more magical.

 Vince is getting a bit big for the horse
 Meijer had their winter scene up so all of the boys rode Sandy.  I am not sure where Dominics picture went. 
 Christmas ornaments!  Cinnamon and applesauce.  They had to bake in the oven for a few hours on a low temperature and our oven smelled like cinnamon for a few weeks after.

 So much glitter glue!

 Lego countdown!
 Decorating the tree
 Many toys got thrown in the tree this year.
  The boys had to try on their Christmas jammies as soon as we got them.
 Dominic brought home this ornament from school this year.
 Before the SB Christmas party we went downtown GR to check out the Amway.  They always have great decorations.

 SB Christmas party!

 Alex ate my pasta and loved it!
 Santa was there and brought every kid a present.
 Legos were a theme for Dominic this year
 Sports stuff is always a theme for Vince
 There was no crying, so that was a win!

 The school in town had a Santa breakfast that we took the boys to.  Dominic asked Santa if he was the real Santa.  That is our Dominic, always keeping people on their toes.
 Ginger bread house time.  The boys ate a lot of the candy as they decorated it.

 I was able to make it to Dominic's Christmas party this year.  The theme was the grinch, so everything was green!
 The boys got hair cuts and at the end, the lady asked if they wanted color hairspray in their hair.  Heck yes they did!

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