Dominic is now almost 4 months old, but I wanted to get his three month pictures up before that happened. Since we posted last time, Nick went to South Dakota for a week, Halloween happened, and Nick and I both had our birthdays. We survived Nick's business trip pretty well. It was only my second week back to work, so it was a learning experience. Vince was the same age Dominic was when Nick started to travel for his last job, so I was grateful it was only for a week and not every week like it once was. Vince loved Halloween, but Dominic slept through it. We don't even have a picture of both boys dressed up, but next year we will make sure too! Some how I was the lucky one to get to go out trick or treating with Vince. It was cold and raining, but Vince had a great time. He kept wanting to go to more houses and since it only happens once a year we did. When we got home, Vince was very excited to look at all of his candy and to eat some of it. My birthday was on the 3rd and Nick's was on the 5th of this month. I turned 29 and Nick turned 33. For the most part both days were pretty non-eventful. My birthday was on Saturday so we just hung out at home and had a nice last minute visit from my dad. Nick's was on Monday and by then 3 out of the 4 of us were sick. Dominic got it first, then Vince, then me, and now Nick has it too. We are hoping to all be healthy by surgery in about two weeks. No new news on that end of things, but in about a week, we will get conformation of everything. Here are some pictures of all the fun we have been having.

This was his actual 3 month birthday, but Nick had to leave that day for is work trip so we just took some quick pictures.
Dominic was not too into having his picture taken
Here are the nice pictures we took after Nick got home
I was pretty excited that we were all looking the same way in a couple of these :)
Brother love!
Such a big boy
So these next two are pretty funny, with Nick he is all smiles and then with me, it looks like he is telling me, enough kisses :)
Finally some smiles
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