We had a great spring break this year. We started with the Spring game as you saw and then had a couple days at home. We did a lot of fun things at home like arts and crafts and baking cookies and then took a little trip. We decided to head south, and by south I don't mean Florida. We went to Indianapolis. I am sure someday we will head to Florida, but we did not think the boys would do that well in the car for that long yet. Nick used to stay in Indianapolis when he traveled for work, so he knew a few things around there. We stayed for two nights, but it is definitely a place we would like to go back to and check out a little more in the future. While we were there we went to the Children's museum, which was pretty cool. Out of the three we have been to, we decided that the Ann Arbor one is our favorite so far, but that is because it was the most hand on. There were a ton of things to see there though. They had dinosaurs, a race car, water to play in, a music room, and a lot of other things. Something we did not expect to happen when we got home was Dominic to have a fear of dinosaurs. Some how he is associating his blue night light (which we have had to stop using) with dinosaurs. The first night back he looked at the shadow and said "no dinosaur", we then had to go down stairs and make sure daddy was ok and make sure that there were no dinosaurs down stairs. He really is a smart little boy to put together that they had blue lights with the dinosaurs and the light in his room was blue. We really don't know how he put together that dinosaurs are scary either. Other than that the boys got to swim a couple of times at the hotel. Vince loved it and Dominic was a little unsure of the big pool, he just sat on the steps. Both boys loved running around in the hotel room and we were glad that there were a lot of other kids around, because they were pretty loud at times. :) We had a great time. On the way home we decided to stop in Coldwater and play a little putt putt golf. The weather was great the whole time we were away and it really felt like spring!

Very cool entrance to the Musuem
The inside
The water area
The boys got to "drive" the race car
"Dad you don't need to see where you are going"
That's better
They had fun outfits in the nature area
Dominic did not want to wait his turn :)
The boys put the dinosaur together
Arts and crafts. The glitter glue pens were the favorite and the messiest
Chocolate chip cookies that Vince helped make