This year our plan was to go to Rogers City for Thanksgiving and we were all packed up and ready to go on Wednesday morning after pre-school. The boys both slept all night, which seems to be rare now days, so we figured it would be good. When Vince woke up however he was very hot and did not feel good. We had to break the news to the boys that we could not go to pre-school or up north. They were pretty sad, but we made the right call. Vince's fever ended up hitting 105. He was taking a nap and his tylenol ran out during the nap, so it spiked up that high. Once we figured it out, we were able to give him more tylenol, put cold cloths on him, and put minimal clothing on him. It came down to a little more comfortable temperature pretty fast. It took him a few days to feel back to normal, so we just rested a lot that whole weekend. Because we were going to go up north we did not have any food for Thanksgiving, so Nick went out Thursday morning and got some stuff. We had green beans, mashed potatoes, box stuffing (one of my favorites), apple and coconut pie, and a little turkey breast. It ended up being very nice. We have not had 5 days off at home in a row in a very long time with no plans. It would have been nice to see everyone, but it all worked out just fine.

We decided to do a Thanksgiving project - turkey hand prints
They boys did great with paint and were very good!
Nick was cooking while we did our project
Our Turkey
Stuffing and gravy
Good dinner!
Our finished turkey hand prints
This is the way your eat whipped cream
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