So, Thanksgiving was interesting this year. We had plans to go to Nick's brothers house and we were going to spend it with his family. We were getting ready to go and I was down in the basement getting the pies I had made when Alex started crying. It did not sound too bad, but when I got up the stairs, Nick was holding him with a towel on his head. There was a decent amount of blood and my first question was, "Does he need to go to the ER." The answer to that ended up being yes. He was not being wild, but somehow tripped and fell onto the bench we had tipped on it side so he would not climb up on it. He got a good cut on his forehead and it had to be checked out. Nick stayed back with the other three and I took him in. The doctor checked him out and gave me two options. We could do the for sure fix, stitches, or we could try glue, tape, and more glue. The doctor suggested doing to second option so there would be less trauma to him and I agreed. He was not sure it would work, but it was worth a shot. After numbing it and putting the glue and tape on it we let it sit for about 20 minutes and it worked. We were in and out of the ER in about 2 hours, which is really good. By that point though, it was too late to head over to Chris's house, so we had some pretty sad boys. It was about 5:30pm and we only had a box of stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls, and pie. We needed some turkey. Nick and the big boys went out to Walmart. In all of this we forgot that Walmart started with their black Friday sales at 6pm. The boys thought it was very cool that isles were blocked off and there was tape guiding people where to go. Luckily they were able to get in and out of there in about 20 minutes and they missed the actual 6pm madness. We let the big boys have pop and that seemed to help them feel better about missing out on our plans. We also watched Elf. When we were putting them to bed, Dominic said it was the best Thanksgiving ever. Haha. It all worked out. I will say, out of the four boys, Alex was the last one that we thought would be our first trip to the ER for an injury.

Poor buddy
Numbing cream in action.
Waiting to see if it worked
It worked! Also, his head was still numbed up and he was feeling good. Later his head did seem to hurt some, but we gave him some medicine and he slept all night.
Watching Elf
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