After the last post I think we need a positive one and this one really is! Back in October we posted about a Urologist appointment and that the doctor wanted to have some tests done at the next appointment in March. Well on March 7th we went to Devos Children's Hospital and Vince had a VCUG, Urodynamics test, and X-ray of his bladder. The tests are to check for reflux into the kidney's and volume and pressure in the bladder. Last summer Vince had a urinary track infection with a fever which is one of the main reasons for the testing now. Many times when that happens with little kids, there is a problem somewhere. I was able to be in the room for the set up and the tech we had was great. We could tell the hospital has gone to great efforts to make children as much at ease as possible. I did have to leave during the test because of the radiation, but Nick was able to stay with Vince. During the test Vince was able to watch "Thomas the Train," and they dimmed to lights to make him comfortable. Vince even got to the point where he almost fell asleep! Considering Vince really does not like hospitals or doctor's appointments, I was pretty impressed. Vince woke up during the test right when his bladder got to capacity, which means he might have more feeling than we thought he did! Also, his capacity was normal for a child his age and his bladder looked normal. When I say normal, I do not mean for a kid with SB, I mean normal. The doctor seemed to be surprised by this and we certainly were, because this is something we never thought we would hear. Vince did not empty his bladder quite like a normal bladder, but over all it was a great appointment. Only 5% of kids with SB have normal functioning bladders and Vince still has a chance at this. We really wont know until he is older, but no cathing at this point and we don't even have to consider it until he goes to school as long as we don't have any problems like UTI's. At that point it would only be for continence. We also talked to the Urologist about his bowel and we are going to try some things in that area to get him going potty on the toilet. Part of this plan includes getting rid of all processed food. Nick and I are working on this, but it is a little more challenging than we though it would be at first. There are preservatives in everything! If any of you have suggestions or tips for us, we will gladly listen. Also, if you have recipes that would be great too. Other doctor appointments - Vince did have another set of tubes put in and they took out his adenoids at the same time. So far they seem to be working great! We had a MRI in January and that came back good, as well as an appointment with the Neurologist. She was very happy with the progress Vince has made and was pleased with the MRI too. Over all everything has been going really well with Vince and he seems to be excelling all of the time with his development!
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