One year old! It is really hard to believe that Dominic is one year old already. This past year went so fast! There are so many wonderful things about Dominic, just to name a few: he is funny, loving, silly, feisty, he knows what he wants, he loves his brother and follows him around everywhere, he is wiggly, he dances when music comes on (I will try to get a video of this to post), he is smart, he loves the Michigan fight song, he gives great baby kisses and hugs, and so many more things. We could not be more blessed to have the two boys we have, they are wonderful! Because we were up north last weekend and did little birthday party's for Dominic we just had a little one at home with the four of us. It was a great day. Dominic is working on getting some more teeth (he has 7 so far) so that was a little bit of a bummer for his birthday, but it was not too bad. We had his 1 year old well child visit today as well and he weighed in at 21 pounds 9 ounces and 30 inches long. Vince also had his 4 year old visit and his stats are 29 pounds 5 ounces and 37 inches. As you can see Dominic is going to catch Vince before too long :)

He found one of his presents and figured out what is was pretty fast.
Birthday Boy!
We got him an ice cream cake instead of regular cake and that was big hit
He really wanted the candle, he even tried to blow it out.
Vince was able to blow it out. Vince was a big helper with Dominic's birthday
It was pretty cold to touch so this was a much better solution. He is a smart little boy
He did not want to be wiped off
"Vince, let me get your hat"
Vince helped open all of Dominic's presents
"All of these presents are for me, I am shocked"
The boys then got to play with the water table and kiddy pool. It was a beautiful hot day, so the water fun was great.