We decided to take a vacation this summer up north and it was great! I will start our posts with Torch Lake. The day we got up there was the 4th of July and the weather was so nice. The boys were not too excited to get in the water (it is still pretty cold after a rough winter), but they loved throwing rocks! We were able to get their feet wet and that was enough for them. That night we kept them up late and went to the Central Lake fireworks, which were great. Vince really liked them, but Dominic and I ended up sitting in Papa's car. He liked them when they were a lot more quiet. Later in the week we went back on a beautiful day and that time Vince got in and went swimming with his life jacket on. He was a little unsure at first, but we got a couple of smiles out of him. The other thing that the boys got great entertainment out of was Nick and I trying to catch minnows. We were not successful, they are a lot faster than I thought. We did skip a lot of stones too. We really do love it up there. A huge thank you to the Wartinbee's for allowing us to come and use their cottage!

4th of July fun
Dominic liked the big rocks best
They both love the splash
Vince swimming
Nick went all the way under, even with it being very cold
love the pics, Andrea!