Our big news is out already, but this summer we decided to try to have one more baby. I have always wanted 3 kids and Nick was up for that too. I have PCOS and it makes it difficult to get pregnant so we knew that if we were going to have another baby we would probably need a little help. We did the same thing with Dominic and for him it worked the first time. We were hopeful the same would happen. On August 11th I took a pregnancy test and after taking many pregnancy test in my life, for the 3rd time it was positive! I was very excited, but cautious. We did not tell anyone for quite a while. A couple weeks after the positive test we headed to an ultrasound to make sure the baby was viable and that we could see a heart beat. At times I have joked that having twins would be easier than what Vince was as a baby, because we had so many appointments, but I really did not ever expect that we would find out which was easier. With doing fertility we knew that our chance of having twins was about 15 percent. The normal rate without fertility is 1-2 percent. The doctor started to do the ultrasound and he started to count. "There is one, and there is the second one, let's see if there is a third." There was not a third! After that, he looked at us and asked us very calmly if we were expecting two babies. I don't know if anyone ever expects twins, but it will be very exciting! I am not sure if we have gotten used to the idea that there will be two babies coming home in March or April.

I needed to make sure it was true :)
Two of them!
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