Friday, May 29, 2009

Hospital Again

Well we are back in the hospital. We got here last night at about midnight. Yesterday Nick and I noticed Vince was twitching a little bit and at first were not sure what to think about it, but because he had just had surgery we felt it was best to call the doctor and see what they thought. At that point he told us that Vince might be having seizures and that we should go to our local ER and see what they thought. The hospital in Charlotte got us in quick and after the ER doctors assessment they decided that yes in fact he was having seizures. At that point they told us they were sending us back to Bronson to be checked out. Vince and I went by ambulance and Nick went home to get a few things and met us at the hospital. Once we got here they gave Vince a bunch of medicine to stop the seizures. Because the medicine makes people very tired they put in a breathing tube to help him out. As of right now Vince is still out of it and still has the breathing tube, but they are hoping to get him off of the tube tonight. As of right now there are a few possibilities as far as what was causing them and when we know more we will let you know. He is doing well right now and the medicine seems to be working. He has not had any more since last night. We are not sure how long he will be in here, most likely a few days, but like everything else time will tell. Nick and I are doing well, but are very tired. It was a very long night. Thank you again for the prayers, keep them coming please.

Nick, Andrea, and Vince


  1. You all are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Love Aunt Susan and Uncle Andy

  2. We are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.


    Nicole and family

  3. All of us up north are keeping in touch and following Vince's progress. We have you all on prayer chains at church and will continue to ask God for strength and healing. We'll keep in touch with you and Gramma and Grampa Santini -- if there's strength in numbers then we got you covered!!! Love you guys ....Aunt Mary

  4. I am so sorry to hear about this new event. I am praying for you three!! I love you all!!
