Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So Tired

Vince had a pediatrician appointment on Monday and he is up to 7lbs now so he must be eating well. They also measured his head and it was pretty much the same size as it measured when he was born, so that is a good sign that maybe he won't need a shunt. We will go meet with the neurosurgeon in Kalamazoo on Friday to get his stitches out and they will do an ultrasound on his head so hopefully we'll find out some more then. Monday was his first excursion out of the house since he came home and a few lessons were learned - always bring a change of clothes and a bottle.

Other than that, we are trying to get some sort of a routine down that works the best for him. So far we have not been successful. He sleeps very well during the day but only for about an hour at a time at night, so one of us is pretty much always awake. I guess we'll get used to it eventually.

Nick, Andrea, and Vince


  1. What a tiny perfect beautiful baby! He's just so darn cute! I'm so glad everything's going well! I remember the first time we learned to always bring an extra change of clothes... Not fun, is it? It still surprises me that something so little can make SO much of a mess! Good luck with the sleeping. Just get when you can and remind yourself that it won't last forever. Love you guys.

  2. We are glad that Vince is doing so well. He is just getting cuter every day!! In time you two will not even remember being so tired....after he gets a little older he will get into more of a routine. Oh, Uncle Gerald said that he will sleep MUCH better if you keep him off the U of M blanket (just a bit of friendly advice)!We hope all goes will with the Dr. appt. on Friday........Love, Aunt Mary

  3. He's so beautiful! Hope the sleeping patterns improve soon! There is light at the end of the tunnel! Try to nap when he naps and don't worry about other things you feel you need to do. Hey - will you email me your new address? Send to Thanks.

    Love, Aunt Lindy
