Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Shunt Update

Vince had a follow-up appointment with the Neurosurgeon on Monday and it was verified that he will have to have a shunt put in. We were hoping that he wasn't going to need it, but his head has been growing faster than normal and an ultrasound confirmed that his ventricles were getting bigger.

Most people with SB end up having to have a shunt, so we were prepared for this. Spinal fluid is produced in the brain and circulates down the spinal cord but due to the SB, that fluid does not circulate as well as it should and it builds up in areas of the brain. The shunt is a small valve that drains that excess fluid from the brain down into the abdomen where it is absorbed by the surrounding tissue. There is a small tube that is inserted into the area of the brain where the fluid is pooling and when the pressure builds up, the valve opens and it drains through another tube that runs under the skin into his abdomen. The main risk involved is that the shunt stops working or gets plugged up and if that happens he will have to have another surgery to have it replaced. Other than that, the shunt will not affect his mental or physical development and he shouldn't even know that it is there.

The surgery is scheduled for Tuesday and he is expected to be in the hospital about 2 nights, so we should have him back home by next Thursday. The surgeon said that this is an easier surgery than the closure surgery that was done right after birth, so we are confident that he will make a quick recovery from this one as well. We'll update more after the surgery.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend.

Nick, Andrea, and Vince


  1. Santini Family,

    I just wanted to let you know that we will be praying for Vince and the two of you as you prepare for next weeks surgery. You don't know me, but I came across your blog address on the Spina Bifida website. My name is Nicole Summers and I am 6 months pregnant with a little girl who has SB and Hydrocephalus. It's been so amazing and encouraging to read your blog updates and see how great Vince is doing. I love that he should be coming home (where he belongs!) after only 2 days. He's so adorable and I wish you all the best. Thank you for sharing your story - it has been a huge help to my family as we enter the final stages of my pregnancy.

    Mom to Jack (4), Benjamin (2) and Baby Girl due in August

  2. Good Morning Nick, Andrea and Vince
    Don't have to tell you that Gramma and Grampa Santini loved seeing you all last weekend. He gets more precious with every picture!! Thanks for keeping us updated - from reading this blog I can see that you touch many people with your strength. We love you and will keep you all in our prayers. Ethan and Vince will have to be strong to take care of all the Bellmore girls!!! Love ya.....Aunt Mary

  3. Andrea, Nick and Vince,
    Want you to know you all will be in our thoughts and prayers next week.
    Such a cute little fellow-we can't wait to see you all this summer!
    Love and prayers,
    Aunt Susan and Uncle Andy
