The babies made their appearance on April 5th at 9:22 am and 9:23 am! Alexander Liam was first weighing in at 6 lbs, 8 oz and 19 1/2 inches. Anthony Evan was second weighing in at 6 lbs, 4 oz and 18 3/4 inches. I have been through two c-sections before and I knew what to expect, but I could not sleep! With the older boys I actually got some good sleep the night before I had them, but with these two I tossed and turned for a couple hours and then at 4, I decided to get up and get ready for the day. We left the house at 6 am because we had to check in at 7 am. It was cold! The temperature on the car thermometer said 24 degrees. It did snow while we were in the hospital too. Everything went exactly as it should, the nurses were wonderful and it was a great experience. Leading up to Tuesday I had been having what I thought were braxton hicks contractions, but it turns out they were the actual thing. When they hooked me up to the machines it showed I was having good contractions every few minutes. The nurses said I would have been there soon had my delivery not been scheduled that day. Once again Nick was in the OR with me and was able to hold both babies pretty quick. We knew going into having these two, they were healthy, but because of our history, there was always a little worry. It was such a relief when they were born and everything was ok! They both cried right away and Nick was able to carry both of them out of the OR into recovery to wait for me. We did not have anyone come to the hospital until after I was out of recovery which worked out very well. The babies did have a little trouble keeping their temperature up right away, so we got to do skin to skin time right away too. Both boys also took to breastfeeding fast as well. Once they moved us to the room (we had the same room with all three deliveries) we had the big brothers come and grandparents too.

Night before they were born - that is a big belly!
The morning they were born
Getting ready
The recovery room waiting for two new babies
Nick had to get all dressed up too
This one he took for the older boys, they wanted to see him with a mask on
It is go time
My contractions
Meeting Alex for the first time
Seeing both boys together for the first time
Nick took to holding two babies like a pro
My attempt to get a pic of him with the babies from the operating table :)
In recovery
Skin to skin time
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