Saturday, December 1, 2018

The In between

Here are some things that happened in the month between buying our house and moving.

 The boys could not wait to get in the pool, so shortly after we bought the house we let them try it out.

Dominic's face says it all.  It was cold!
 We made the poor choice of having the big boys play soccer in Olivet this spring.  It was not bad because of it being soccer, but because 2-3 nights a week we had soccer and about a million other things to be doing.  They enjoyed it and it kept them happy, so it was worth it, but it made things more challenging.

 Dominic's Mothers Day breakfast
 Vince played on the Miracle League this year.  It is a program for kids with disabilities and it was great.  This was at their opening day celebration.
 The Spartan Baseball team was there, which is really kind that they donate their time, but Vince was not super thrilled at first.  We explained that they did not have to be there and that it was cool they wanted to be a part of this event, so he was ok with it, but he really is a Michigan fan.

 On the kids into, one of the questions is what you like, and Vince put U of M.  He knew the Spartan team would be there, so he knew what he was doing.  They booed him.  It was really funny and all done in good fun.  We all had a pretty good laugh over it.

 Vince had a music concert too.

 Dominic took random pictures on my phone

 Tony's face is pretty funny in this
 Dominic had a family fun night at his school, so we went to that too.

 The weather finally warmed up as we got closer to June.  Memorial Day was great! 

Alex was not really sure of the pool at first, so he used his little one instead.

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