Two years of craziness! Two years of twice the love! We never thought we would have four children, but I can not imagine our lives any different. Just like with selling our house, I believe things just seem to work out the way they are supposed to, so it is best to just go with it. At two years old the boys seem to be playing more with each other and pretty much in the same spot at the same time. On the weekends, when one of them wakes up before the other one, after a few minutes of cuddle time, they ask for the other twin. If we don't watch them closely, they will go into their room and try to wake the other one up. They are still very different from each other, but similar at the same time. I am not sure if it is a twin thing or not, but they seem to take turns being the naughty twin too. It is like they know that we could not handle two of them being naughty at the same time. Alex was the first to sleep through the night by a long shot. Tony mostly sleeps through the night now, but he still likes to come into bed around 5 am. Tony is the early riser. Alex will sleep in until 7-8 am, but Tony is up by 6 pretty much every day. Alex is more sensitive. Tony is more wild, but Alex is stealthy. Tony is far more social with everyone. He talks to everyone in public and will tell them, "Go Blue." I think two might be my favorite age. Two year old are just so full of life and enthusiasm. They are naught, but they really don't know any better yet. They are just the cutest little things and they love to snuggle! They both are mama's boys, just like their big brothers were at the same age. They play with each other, fight with each other, and love each other. Twins are pretty fun!

Alex finally had enough hair at 2 to have his first hair cut! He did great!
They are so silly
Doughnuts for their birthday cake
They are my children! They know what the best part is.
They love balls and cars, so they got some of each
Grandma and Grandpa Santini helped us celebrate
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